We all had a great time and we all saw Jupiter and three of her moons VERY clearly!
We arrived at about 7pm and had a bit of disaster in the education room. Bea was tired and dreadfully uncoordinated which led to her falling into everything! She fell over someone's feet and banged into the table that held all of the 'experimental displays'... (nails stuck to a bit of wood, a balloon with a stick in it and other stuff). The displays all went flying and I thought for a minute I was in a film with Frank Spencer. THEN she took a balloon off the display desk that had a skewer stuck through it. They wanted the balloon back! Mark tackled the balloon off her, but she still had a hold of the stick... the balloon deflated and sank down to earth with a sad little 'ttteeeeeeee'. I wasn't there when this happened but when Mark told me I thought it was hillarious. I don't think the physics peeps were too impressed though! Ce la vie eh. If you run an event that Bea can turn up to, expect there to be a bit of turmoil!!!
As for the star gazing... we had a good look at Orion's Nebula - amazing, then we had a good look at Jupiter - literally 'out of this world'. Sylvie could have stayed there all night, she was totally fascinated. It was great and we'll be going back on Saturday night.
We read owl moon again today and 'Owl Babies' and also 'Ozzy Owl' which led to discussions about hibernation and 'What Animals do in the Winter'. We've also painted our planets and talked loads about what we saw last night. I'm not even dressed yet but today has been smooth and relaxed so I'm not bothered. The fire's on and the girls are watching a film while I figure out what we're doing this afternoon. I broke the printer yesterday, (eeeek) which is highly annoying as I could be doing with using it. Nevermind eh.
Making a start with the papier mache.
Bea painting her rainbow planet!
Bea's rocket! I gave her a couple of colours of watercolour paint and encouraged her to clean her brush and dry it between colours so that she doesn't end up with a muddy mess. She did really, really well.
Great stuff :-)