Monday 2 January 2012

Hum, up and down day

Well, today could have gone better, that's for sure.
I spent ages planning what we'd be doing today and for the next few weeks using the Little Acorn Learning Guides as inspiration.
All went well until we came to mix our '3 Kings Cake'. Sylvie and Bea started scraping over who's turn it was to stir the cake when BAM the ceramic bowl containing said cake mixture landed on the living room floor and smashed.
Oh I was so p****d off. Cake mix containing eggs and sour cream all over the wooden floor which hasn't been sealed or varnished = possibly a very smelly future!!! I lost my rag and shouted at the girls which was a bummer as I'd spent bed time reading loads of one the None Violent Communication books and demanded that they bugger off to their bedrooms while I calmed down and cleared up.
Mark came to the rescue with a bowl of water and a tea towel. He cleaned the floor, calmed the girls and took us all out to lunch which was lovely.
Prior to cake making we had a great time! Circle time went well - we had the silks out, did a lovely morning blessing and were all involved in story time, (we're doing a story about a sheep and a wolf - Bea insists on being the wolf - she has a blue wooden block that howls at very frequent intervals! Sylvie likes to be the moon and Annabelle plays her usual part, 'boob monster extraordinaire'!).

Anna was asleep by the time we got home from Durham. Sylvie and I did a bit of reading while Bea coloured in then we came upstairs, plugged in the lap top and did LOTS of reading eggs... probs about an hour and a half worth. Sylvie LOVES winning points! I think she's really quite competitive and seeing the points mount up gives her that extra incentive to do a bit more. This isn't something I've pushed or encouraged, it just 'is' so I'm fine with that.

Tomorrow is another day. I'm sad that I lost my rag about something as silly as cake mixture on the floor but I stupidly had set my expectations for this morning too high and was probably too busy thinking about what we'd be doing next, (I was sorting snack time) instead of being present with the children and enjoying the moment.
With any luck we'll be going out to see our friends tomorrow, but as for now, it's bed time.
If these little tykes ever go to sleep I'll upload photos from today. Until then, goodbye!


  1. Hi Fay, I notice that you are following my blog and I just wanted to pop by and say Hi. You probably know that my three children have never been to school. When I started blogging in Feb 2011 a wise friend said to me that the hardest thing of all is deschooling yourself and it has proved to me to be so true. If you read some of my early posts I talk about car crash moments where, after 23 hours and 59 minutes of fabulousness I blow it all with 60 seconds of yelling!! I am getting much much better though and not setting expectations too high is a big factor in that.

  2. Katie, it's so good to read that. I'm going to skip over to your blog in a bit and make myself feel better!!! One of the reasons I'm blogging is to remind myself of the highlights we have each day but by heck, yesterday morning was, er, a challenge! Nevermind onwards and upwards eh. Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
