Well, what a whirlwind the last few weeks have been.
Everyone, apart from me, has had chicken pox. Yes, this includes Mark! He was in a right state - covered, literally, head to foot with spots. Ouch, and yack!
He had two weeks off work and I have to say, although he was ill and had no energey at all, it was still nice to have him home! He went back to the grind yesterday - booo hoooooo.
I was REALLY ill on Thursday night. I went out for a curry with some friends then when I got home I felt all cold and awful then started being sick and couldn't stop! What a horrible shock. Friday was a total wash out. I'd planned to work so that I could catch up with orders, (I'm a week behind due to Mark being ill) but not a chance of it, I couldn't MOVE let alone work. I spent the entire day asleep in Sylvie's bed. I tried going downstairs twice but as soon as i go near the sofa Anna dives at me wanting milk and honestly, breast feeding was just one step too close to the brink of implosion for me on Friday! Thank goodness she was nice and settled with Mark.
We're all ship shape now though - kind of!
We've organised our diaries and I'm really looking forward to the next few months.
So are our week's looking a little like this...
Monday 'Lingotots'... (a fun French group for the family)
Tuesday.... who knows!
Wednesday.... who knows!
Thursday... an entire day with friends doing Five in a Row stuff and then a Steiner gathering. I know, I know, a bit of a contradiction - FIAR + Steiner, but we aren't playing by any paticular rules here, we're just doing what feels good and what feels right.
Friday .... Group on a morning then before Christmas Sylvie will be going to football on a Friday evening, after Christmas, it will be sylvie and Bea, (if Bea's up for it by then, though I have my doubts - I'm not sure it will be right for her. Time will tell)
The days when we don't have set activities will be devoted to each other, to arts and crafts and play and to our friends. We're hoping to see folks at least once a week but I don't think any of us mind spending time bedding down, preparing for the winter, making things to decorate our home and help us feel warm and cosy while the seasons change!
We'll also be spending time with my dad, of course, and doing our own learning so, I'm happy with the plans that we have.
We went to a birthday party on Sunday which was just brilliant! Everyone had such a good time. I still didn't feel very well and was totally washed out but that didn't matter as it wasn't exactly hard work!
L was 5! There was a bouncy castle, lots of cakes and lots of poeple having fun. Pass the parcel was a big hit. L's mum is a musician so, instead of having a CD on for pass the parcel she played her violin which was just great! Sylvie couldn't stop looking at her and really wanted to have a go. Before we left, Sylvie vanished. I walked into the 'music room' and there she was, sat on a stool, violin in hand, trying to play along to the music on the stand in front of her. Ahhh, so lovely - made my heart sing a little. Of course, she was squeaking like a trapped rat but all the same, it was lovely.
Well, I'd better have a shower and make some kind of effort as I'm going out with dad to buy some mount spray! Sylvie stopped at his last night so I've no doubt he'll be down here soon.