Monday 23 April 2012

Still here

We're still here, plodding along, caught up in the chaos that is everyday life therefore I generally run out of time and energy before blogging! The big girls are in the bath and the little girl is on the top bunk! She's been nappy free for two days and two nights and so far we've not had any accidents. I'm going to have to be on the ball today or goodness knows what will turn brown! We've not done anything specific over the last couple of weeks, we've just done a bit of 'this and that'. Sylvie hasn't looked at a letter since the last time I blogged. She's kind of on strike. If I suggest doing any reading she says 'NO' and literally runs away from me. Mark took her swimming yesterday, (they were in there for three hours) so I'm going to use that as a bribe to encourage her to join in with some academic stuff. Believe me, it's nothing high brow! Maybe a couple of sight words, some adding up, you know, the very basic bits and bobs that are actually relevant to everyday life!! I picked up a couple of Orchard games yesterday so hopefully she'll enjoy those. Some pictures of what we've been up to.....

1 comment:

  1. After years of spouting off about children needing intrinsic motivation to learn I've now binned that theory off and resorted to bribery too :-) It's working well with M
