Wednesday 4 April 2012

Dying Eggs and Making Easter Cards

The weather was pretty dreadful yesterday so we stayed in and had fun with eggs! First of all, we tried dying some eggs using beetroot, but this didn't really work for us. The shells changed colour a little bit but not enough. I think maybe we didn't do it right? We boiled the eggs in with the beetroot and added some vinegar. Oh well, the girls enjoyed eating them!!!
I've got loads of food colouring gels in the house because I like to make a 'rainbow cake' as a birthday tradition. We made good use of the gels today by sinking eggs into them! The colours came out great - I'm really impressed.
After having an eggtastic morning we headed to soft play for a bit, which was manic, as I should have anticipated considering it's the Easter hols and it was snowing outside! Sylvie actually asked to leave after an hour or so which is totally unlike her! We have been making Easter cards this morning, but now the shopping's here so off to unpack!


  1. Wow those eggs came out great! Love the vibrant colours.

  2. They've come out fab, haven't they! Sadly I smashed one this morning - the best orange one!!!! The fresh eggs laid by our friend's chickens have coloured better than the shop bought ones as there are no coatings on the shells... they're great!
