Thursday, 10 May 2012

Sometimes things just don't work out....

I woke up full of plans this morning... well, full of plans to make plans. I intended to start rowing The Story of Ferdinand with the girls, however, Annabelle's bowels had other ideas. Yes, you got it, another poohy post. My lovely little girl did a couple of huge poohs in my bedroom. I couldn't believe it! I filled the carpet cleaner with water and pine fresh toilet cleaner, banished all the girls to Sylvie's room to play and set to work on the clean up mission. All is now fine, I, however, am no longer feeling like doing much of anything which is a shame! We're watching a film and we've made plans to go to soft play with some buddies this afternoon which should be fun. It's pouring down outside and I'm not one for puddle jumping so I think we've made the best of what the day has given us. '... this too shall pass'... one can hope, eh?!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Urgh, what's that smell?

Well, today has quite literally been a bit shitty. We met a lovely friend at soft play this afternoon. Two minutes after we got there Bea went to the loo and had pooh everywhere so her knickers went in the bin. Half an hour later Anna had a cheeky pooh in her pants which spread EVERYWHERE so her leggings and knicers went in the bin... then Bea had another pooh ON THE FLOOR. My goodness.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

... it doesn't last for long

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the minute. So much to do, so little time and all that jazz. Some days I feel as though I need another 8 of me to be able to meet the needs of these children, but there's just one of me! Then I found this clip........... ... and it really made me think! This too, shall pass and I'll miss the chaos, the fighting, the playing, the awe, the mess, the games, the laughter, the screaming, the play dates, the drawings, the learning, the huge boat loads of love and everything else.