Sunday 2 May 2010

Support and inspiration

We had our very own 'red thread' meeting last night.

I invited a group of friends round who co-sleep, breast feed, carry their babies etc. etc. and it was fab! Just in general conversation we discussed home education, breast feeding a five year old, not introducing solids until 15 months and 13 months, eating sprouts! carrying toddlers, night weaning, re - lactating after just feeding from one side, cross feeding and homeopathy for nappy rash!!!!!!
One friend brought her gorgeous little girl with her. She's 3 and was having problems falling asleep so she joined in with us.

It was such a good night. None of the conversations were 'out of the ordinary', they were just about the way we live.

Such a good outlet to be able to talk openly and honestly about life without seeing raised eye brows or without the usual, 'they'll have to learn to sleep on their own, you need your own space', 'are they enrolled at school yet'.

Calm amidst the storm that is our life at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how wonderful having such a like minded group of friends, lucky you :)
    Love your blog by the way x
